
Pet Wellness and Vaccines

Promoting pet health through vaccinations and wellness programs for happy and thriving companions. Ensuring a long, joyful life.

Pet Wellness and Vaccines

Kennesaw Mountain Animal Hospital promotes proactive pet parenting; as the sole voice for your pet’s health, you are taking proactive steps just by reading this information, and that’s a great start! Humans need annual check-ups to identify new issues in our ever-changing bodies. Well, the same goes for pets.

An Annual Wellness Exam is the “crystal ball” of your pet’s health, providing a detailed snapshot of possible issues before physical symptoms appear. As our pets are masters at hiding pain and discomfort, internal issues can gain momentum for months to years before you are aware. In the instance of kidney disease (a common diagnosis among pets), by the time symptoms present themselves, 75% of irreversible damage has already occurred to the kidneys. For this reason, we urge all pet parents to schedule annual Wellness Exams.


Whether it’s pets or people, vaccinations have been the best disease prevention for decades. With the increasing number of pets co-mingling in our society and the fact that not all pet parents keep their pets current on vaccinations, it is your responsibility to ensure your pet is protected against the risks that are present with those who are not vaccinated.

If you board your pet or wish to enhance your pet’s well-being through day play and/or training, their vaccine records will be a factor. Vaccinations are required by boarding, day play, and training facilities for a reason…the risks are out there, don’t be the parent that wishes they had made the right decision after it’s too late.

Wellness Plans

The costs involved in keeping your pet’s wellness at the forefront are a common topic of discussion with our clients. Therefore, we have Wellness Plans available to soften the effects on your wallet. Our Wellness Plans are designed to combine the cost of all treatments your pet would need annually and spread that cost out over 12 months. We have a Wellness Plan for each stage of your pet’s life; from puppy/kitten plans to junior canine/feline plans to senior canine/feline plans, each plan is tailored to simplify appropriate care with well-deserved savings for you. Our basic plans include the cost of vaccines, $200 towards flea/tick/heartworm preventatives, one bloodwork panel, a fecal exam, a heartworm test, and two nail trims. Dental cleaning options can be added to complete your pet’s wellness for the year. For being a proactive pet parent through the purchase of a Wellness Plan, we waive future exam fees in appreciation of your good decision.

You want to see your special pet enjoy many wonderful years. We’d love to help you achieve that goal. Call us today, and let’s get started!