
Pet Oncology

Specialized care for animals with cancer, offering advanced treatments and compassionate support for furry companions.

Pet Oncology

Pets & Cancer

Approximately 1 in 4 dogs will, at some stage in their life, develop neoplasia (cancer). Almost half of dogs over the age of 10 will develop cancer. It can be benign or malignant. Dogs get cancer roughly the same rate as humans, while there is less information about the cancer rate in cats. Some cancers, such as lymphoma, are more common in cats than dogs.

On a Cellular Level

Neoplasia/cancer is the uncontrolled, abnormal growth of cells or tissue in the body; an abnormal growth is called a neoplasm or tumor. Some types of neoplasia can be cured, but others can only be managed to decrease the spread and prolong your pet’s comfort and life as much as possible. Benign neoplasms tend to grow slowly; displace, but do not tend to invade, the surrounding body tissues; and do not spread throughout the body. On the other hand, malignant neoplasms can be unpredictable and grow at various rates (sometimes rapidly), invade the tissues around them, and spread or metastasize to other parts of the body.

Finding a Lump

Lipomas are a common diagnosis with our patients, which is simply a fatty tumor, is non-cancerous and mostly does not pose a threat, but our Doctors prefer to continually monitor them in the event changes occur or they begin to affect neighboring tissue, joints, and organs.


Kennesaw Mountain Animal Hospital’s state-of-the-art facility affords our clients several options to determine the type of cancer, internal status, and tailored treatment plans.

Our doctors can effectively treat most forms of cancer through imaging, chemotherapy, surgery, etc. While it’s widely known about the negative side effects of chemotherapy, it is essential to note that pets often tolerate chemo better than humans, and many of our patients have experienced successful treatment through chemo.

Early Diagnosis

Early diagnosis allows our Doctors to deliver the best care possible. Therefore, annual bloodwork is always urged to detect early signs of cancer. If you have concerns that your pet may be predisposed or you are noticing growths, we urge you to contact Kennesaw Mountain Animal Hospital to ensure it is caught early to improve your pet’s prognosis.

Kennesaw Mountain Animal Hospital offers various surgical options for cancer and chemotherapy. Many owners are very nervous about considering chemotherapy after experiencing it for themselves or knowing a friend or family member who has had chemo. Fortunately, animals routinely do not have the negative side effects of chemotherapy like those experienced in humans. Very rarely do we ever see the hair loss, nausea, and loss of appetite that people have with chemo.

If you are concerned about cancer in your pet, please call us for a consult at Kennesaw Mountain Animal Hospital today.