Senior Pet Care


Nurturing Your Pet’s Golden Years

At Kennesaw Mountain Animal Hospital, we understand the unique needs of senior pets and are dedicated to providing compassionate care to ensure their health and happiness as they enter their golden years.


Comprehensive Health Assessments

As pets age, they become more susceptible to a variety of age-related health issues, including arthritis, dental disease, and cognitive decline. Our comprehensive senior pet care program includes regular health assessments to detect and address any potential health concerns early on, allowing for timely intervention and management.


Tailored Wellness Plans

We recognize that senior pets require individualized care based on their specific health needs and lifestyle factors. Our veterinary team will work closely with you to develop a tailored wellness plan that addresses your senior pet’s unique requirements, including preventive care, nutrition, and exercise recommendations.


Pain Management and Comfort

Arthritis and other chronic conditions can cause discomfort and pain in senior pets, impacting their quality of life. Our goal is to keep your senior pet comfortable and mobile for as long as possible through comprehensive pain management strategies, including medication and  supplements. We can also refer out for alternative therapies such as acupuncture and physical rehabilitation.


Nutritional Support

As pets age, their nutritional needs may change, requiring adjustments to their diet to support their overall health and well-being. Our veterinary team can provide guidance on choosing the right senior pet food and supplements to help maintain your pet’s optimal body condition and address any age-related health issues.

Regular Monitoring and Follow-Up

Senior pets benefit from regular monitoring and follow-up care to track changes in their health status and adjust their treatment plans accordingly. We recommend biannual wellness exams for senior pets to assess their overall health and address any emerging issues proactively.


Enhanced Quality of Life

Our senior pet care program is designed to enhance the quality of life for your aging companion, allowing them to enjoy their golden years to the fullest. With compassionate care and personalized attention, we’re here to support you and your senior pet every step of the way.

veterinarian with animals in little rock
Beige Blob

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